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The Fracture is an Altar monster that is summoned when the Worth of Goods is at or above 248001. This Mob is extremely fast, requiring a constant near-max speed to outrun. Unlike most Mobs at this stage of the game, the Fracture is entirely melee, however it does high damage.


The Fracture is a small, white monster with 1 eye in its center, and 8 spikes jotting out on sticks in an octagonal shape..


You should acquire Endurance Potions and/or Infinity Potions, as well as helmets such as the War Helmet, Iron Helmet, Battle Helmet, Gold Helmet, Life Helmet, Phoenix Helmet (for fire damage reduction), Diamond Helmet, Mighty Helmet, Mighty Crown, Almighty Helmet, Almighty Crown, Mighty Cape, Almighty Cape, and the Infinity Helmet and Infinity Cape if possible, before attempting to defeat it. 30000 Health or more is recommended. A transcendant-tier or higher weapon should be used. Almighty Punches deal lots of damage, which is useful for killing this Mob. Wearing an Elder Helmet helps a lot with levelling up when this Mob is defeated. Capes allow you to regenerate Health faster and lose Speed slower, meaning you can focus more on dealing damage and less on healing with Potions or Totems.