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"Congratulations, slayer. You have reached the pinnacle of your strength. It's truly amazing how strong a being like you can become. I bet you worked hard to get here, but I can make things easier for you. Trust me your soul, and I'll grant you power. You can rebirth as an improved being and be stronger than you could ever be."

-Mysterious Sphere


Rebirths are a attribute that can be gained once a player reaches Level 50, and interacts with the Mysterious Sphere. Rebirths have a chance to fail, sending you back to Level 0 and giving no Rebirths. This chance is very low in the beginning, and escalates to near-certain fail as you reach Rebirth 25. Once a player successfully rebirths, their Max Strike Strength is increased by 0.5. The maximum possible Rebirth level is 25.

They are used to unlock certain shops, such as the Mysterious Tombstone, Mysterious Golden Box, Minion And Awakened Minion Shop.

Finding a Rebirth Potion (dropped by God) allows you to instantly Rebirth without a chance of failing. Getting Rebirth is actually very hard once you reach high rebirth like 10-25.

Rebirths also gives you badges according to how much rebirth have you obtained

  • Rebirth 0: No badge
  • Rebirth 1-4: 🥉
  • Rebirth 5-14: 🥈
  • Rebirth 15-24: 🥇
  • Rebirth 25: 🏆 (old ☠️)