Dark Rover

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The Dark Rover is an Altar monster that is summoned when the Worth of Goods is at or above 931. At this point, rare-tier loot or higher is recommended before attempting to defeat these Mobs. This is also the first enemy to have a ranged attack, shooting energy spheres at a player every few seconds.


The Dark Rover is a black monster with 6 large spikes almost-evenly spaced around its back.


You should acquire Health Potions and Speed Potions, or Recovery Potions, as well as helmets such as the Frog Helmet, Wooden Helmet, War Helmet and Iron Helmet before attempting to defeat it. An epic-tier or higher weapon should be used. Unlike previous Mobs, This enemy stands still, shooting energy spheres at players. These spheres can set players on Fire. Good speed and distance is needed to avoid it.