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Altar is one of the core gameplay mechanics. It is an structure that belongs to the Dungeon.


Using the altar is very simple, every item has "worth of goods value" based on the item's description. Before the monsters appear there is a 20-second cooldown for the player to prepare. More goods you drop in more monster will appear, the altar can also spawn stronger and more valuable drop when you put more good in.

"Monsters of X level threat has been summoned!"- the message when a person or people successfully summoned. The X here is the tier of the summon, check here for more information.

Once the countdown reaches zero, a horde of monsters with varying size and strength (depending on the "worth of goods value") will spawn on and near the altar, players must defeat all of the monsters summoned within the required time. If players succeeds in defeating the monsters, they will gain an amount of XP with the formula below:


Else, if players fails to defeat all monsters within the required time, the remaining monsters will despawn without any loot and players won't get any XP.

Once the challenge ends, the Altar Room will reset in 30 seconds, despawning any loot that is on the ground and hasn't been picked up yet.