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The Sanvichdoomy is an extremely strong Altar Monster that can be spawned if it the worth of goods is over 100,000,000, It has 2 abillites with 1 trillion health, and not any monsters can spawn further 100m except for Sanvichdoomy, It can last up to 10 minutes, If the worth of goods exceed 5 billion, it summons 2 Sanvichdoomies but not increase the altar dismissal timer.

Sanvichdoomy has 2 abillites, that are triggered by 50/50 every attack of the player in seconds

Its first abillity is Tutu Dancer, it begins to spin up with a skirt, then increasing the precise level, causing players to lose 100,000 health and get a huge repel, which sometimes makes the players get kicked out of the Altar, It lasts for 48 seconds. When its spin is over 1500 rad/s, it can instantly destroy a player, and sets them on fire.

Its second abillity is Explosion Tutu, it explodes, and shoots out missiles, which deal more than 50,000 DPS, The missiles can pentrate through players, and deal more damage every precise level. The explosion is set to be a base damage of Fracture Device. It's explosion is thrice as big as the Fracture Device, it doesn't kill players that are outside of Altar. Lasts for 20 seconds the missile shooting, exploding once


The profile picutre of Sanvichdoomy's Fandom account, but with a large pink skirt.


Beware that this boss can instantly kill you on attacks, when you do not have any resurrecting items, So it's recommended to have Zenith Suit to reflect the damage, Use any of the Totems, the best ones are Zenity Totem, and use Zenith trumpet to deal any excess damage, so it can die easily.


The Sanvichdoomy drops up to 20 stacks of Sapphire, 1-3 random kinds of Suits, random kind of Spooky/Zenith item, 200 fats, 5 stacks of Grass swords, 20 Zenith Cores, 25 Chaos Chest, 50 Zenith Cores, 25 Rebirth Potions, 1 Trophy and 100 Ancient Shards/5 Ancient Chest


The shop can be opened when you press Space on it while you're rebirth 25, All of Sanvichdoomy items are rarity of Zirconium.

Trophy - This trophy is droppable via Altar and is used to craft Sanvichdoomy items, Its worth of goods is 2.5m, Rarity is Zirconium.

Sanvichdoomy Totem - The totem is undroppable, Its worth of goods is 10m, Regenerates your health, speed, rage, luck, XP and Hunger, and gives 1,750 coins per second, pickup range is increased to 500%, blocks 100% of attacks, gives you fire resistance instantly, Makes chest open 100x faster. To get it, you need 1m coins, 1 zenith totem, 1 Trophy and 1 Ancient shards from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Sanvichdoomy Trumpet - This trumpet is undroppable, Its worth of goods is 10m, Has a base damage of 1.25 million, reload is 5 seconds, lets you to teleport with right click, The shockwave is twice the size as Zenith's shockwave If the entity touches the shockwave,it gives a random of curse to enemies, sets the enemy on fire, The teleporation is no longer limited, as you can go to walls, battlefields and void.To get it, you need 1m coins, 1 zenith trumpet, 1 Trophy and 1 Ancient shards from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Sanvichdoomy Suit - This suit is undroppable, Its worth of goods is 10m, Is every of helmet buffs, and speed max is increased to 42, lets you to enter full rooms and Altar while on battle, dodges 90% of enemy attacks, damages enemies that attack you, damages enemies that damage you, rage is increased by 200%, Gives you a 100,000% health boost, instantly regenerates you to 100% health, makes your speed last 10,000% longer, knockbacks mob when attacks you,To get it, you need 1m coins, 1 zenith suit, 1 Trophy and 1 Ancient shards from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Sanvichdoomy Wand - This wand is undroppable, Its worth of goods is 1b, Shoots out luminous bullets which base damage deal 775k damage, gives enemies' with their curse, like Zenith's abillity, sets the enemy on fire, spreads their bullets and has a 0.1% to shoout out a missile which deals 50m DPS, knockbacks mobs and turns animals into their royal variants, To get it, you need 1m coins, 1 zenith blade, 1 Trophy and 1 Ancient shards from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Sanvichdoomy Spike - Acts like Sanvichdoomies' skirt abillity, Undroppable, worth of goods is 50m, Damages enemies that touch you with 50x more damage than your high damage factor of base damage, which is 2.75m damage. To get it, you need 1m coins, 1 spiky suit, 1 bouncy suit, 1 heavy suit, 1 speedy suit, 1 Trophy and 1 Ancient shards from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Sanvichdoomy Chest - Unlock timer is 5 hours, gives you 1m coins or a random kind of Zenith item, To get it, you need 1m coins, 1 zenith chest, 1 Trophy and 1 Ancient shards from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Uranium - Has death properties, makes a poisonining shockwave that is the same size as Infinity trumpet's shockwave, To get it, you need 128 plutoniums from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Kalafiorium - Increases your damage by 500% when your HP is lower than 25%, To get it, you need 12 plutoniums and 12 ancient shards from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Astatine Trophy - Has death properties but makes you radiant forever, To get it, you need 1 trophy, 16 plutoniums from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Zenith Egg - Hatches your own Awaken god minion's minion which gives you more coins when you level up, To get it, you need 4 angel eggs and 1 trophy from its shop, Rarity is Zirconium

Scratchcane - Shoots out sugarcanes with a base damage of 500,000 DPS, the reload is 0.01 seconds and each sugar cane deal 5,000 damage, To get it, you need 4,096 gold stones, 1 diamond, 1 emerald, 1 sapphire, 1 dark crystal, 1 pebble stone, 1 religious stone, 1 bravery stone, 1 explosive stone, 1 life of stone and 1 spirit stone.

Transed Blueberry - Gives you a permanent health boost when consumed, Does last forever, To get it, you need 1 trophy and 1 cooked egg.

Imaginary Punching Glove - A pink punch with red wings that deals a base damage of 100M DPS, To get it, you need 4 mighty punch, 4 almighty punch, 4 fracture device and 4 nuke.

Imaginary Potion - Is droppable via Altar, worth of goods is 16,384, there are 4,096 of them, Gives you 1,000,000 health, 1,000,000 XP, 42 speed, rage duration of 120 seconds, luck duration of 120 seconds, fire resistance duration of 120 seconds, Unlimited teleporation duration for 1 hour. To get it, you need 1 trophy and 4,096 infinity potions

Aquamarine - Is droppable via Altar, worth of goods is 1.75 million, there are 6 of them, To get it, you need 1 trophy, 4,096 gold stones, 1 diamond, 1 emerald, 1 sapphire, 1 dark crystal, 1 pebble stone, 1 religious stone, 1 bravery stone, 1 explosive stone, 1 life of stone and 1 spirit stone.

Sanvichdoomy Amulet - Gives you 500 coins per second and 175k XP per second, To get it, you need 1 trophy and 50 zenith cores.

Sanvichdoomy Charm - Gives you 500 coins per second and increases your pickup range by 200%, To get it, you need 1 trophy and 50 zenith cores.

Tsar Bomba - Its explosion deals 1 billion damage, sets enemies' on fire and confuses them and the shockwave is 10 times bigger than Sanvichdoomies' shockwave. To get it, you need 1 trophy and 4 nukes.

Prestige - Resets your damage factor and rebirths but gives a 3*(prestige amount+1) multipler to Damage factor's, To get it, you need 1 trophy, 25 rebirth potions, 4096 infinity potions, 1 million coins, 1 chaos chest, 1 zenith chest and 4 sapphires, Max prestiges is 5.

Sneaky Suit - Gives you invincibillity for 5 seconds, To get it, you need 1 trophy and 128 mythic potions.

Evil Remastered The Legendary Flower

The ERTLF is an Altar mob that is summoned when the worth of goods exceeds 2 trillion, It's health is 2 trillion, the despawn timer is 25 minutes.

This altar mob will have several abillites.

The first abillity is Minion Spell, which creates minions of itself and shoots out electrical bullet which electrocutes players for 3 seconds and deals 2.5M damage.

The second abillity is Royalty, which shoots out a beam which deals 2.5M damage per 0.1 seconds and electrocutes players.

The third abillity is Cloner, which clones itself and disappears for 2 minutes, It uses few abillites and can confuse players.

The forth abillity is Spinner, which is the same as Sanvichdoomies' Tutu Dancer but can spin up to 100,000 rad/s and stronger.

The fifth abillity is Monster Spawner, which summons altar monsters and some non-altar creatures, and voltages up for each Monster, includes Sanvichdoomy and.

Overpowered Royal Animals

Overpowered Queen Pig - Spawns 100,000 times rarer than a Queen Pig, its health is 100,000 times higher than the Queen pig's stats, but is hostile, It creates a shockwave for players that attack it, Drops 256 fats, 16 pig totems and 1 OP pig totems, 64 pig skins and 16 true bones.

Overpowered King Wolf- Spawns 100,000 times rarer than a King Wolf, its health is 100,000 times higher than the Qu4124ee21312n pig's stats, It creates a shockwave for players that attack it, Drops 256 fats, 16 pig totems and 1 OP pig totems, 64 pig skins and 16 true bones.