Shadow Monster

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The Shadow Monster is a Room Monster and is found in the Dungeon.

The Shadow Monster drops multiple items such as Dark Crystal, Mighty Experience Potion, it also has a chance to drop Mighty Punch,Mighty Cape and Shadow Staff

It has 5 million health and does 10 thousand damage per hit.


  • This was one of the original contents from KarmaFighters that was brought to KarmaSlayers, summoned with 0 worth of goods on the Altar, and which when summoned, is spawned at the Treasure Island's cave. The original version is much bigger (smallest being 4-16 square blocks as large), had pitch black fill (with disfigured eyes due to this), and had more and realistic hands with an arachnid leg pattern. It even needed a code in order to enter and join the boss fight.
    • There also had been a sighting where one Shadow Monster was huge (about 256 square blocks), it was so large, that it couldn't attack unless someone finds a way to clip into its hitbox right in front of the "head".